Podcast: FCPX-Logic Workflow

Sam here… Chris Fenwick and I are trading podcasts this week. Yesterday, on the inaugural episode of my podcast, We Make Movies: Film Central, Chris and I talked about the business side of editing… and we followed it up with today’s episode of FCPX Grill, where Chris and I talk Logic Pro-FCPX workflow and why it might be time for you to take another look at it as your go-to DAW … and we also dive into some bonus topics, including a brief discussion what FCPWORKS NAB plans might be this year… and I’m pretty confident in saying that I think the FCPX community is going to LOVE a lot of what we have planned there.
Anyway, it’s been a blast talking with Chris… and if you aren’t listening to FCPX Grill or Digital Cinema Cafe, you’re missing out… and if you caught the first episode of my podcast, and you liked it, there’s a whole lot more of that coming your way soon.
Check out FCPX Grill Here:
Check We Make Movies: Film Central here –
Check Out Digital Cinema Cafe Here: