Tour De France Workflow

Sam here… nothing I write here is going to compare to what Peter Wiggins did over on Go grab a cup of coffee and read this for the next 25 minutes:
What Peter had going over there is exactly the type of setup we’ve been advocating at FCPWORKS and not radically different than what we had going at our FCPWORKS launch event.
If his case study doesn’t blow the doors off the myth of FCPX being an unprofessional product, I really don’t know what it’s going to take.
Group Workflow (XSAN from Promise). Broadcast Workflow (Softron). Video IO (AJA). High Profile project (Tour De France). What are we missing here exactly?
I have a feeling we’re going to see a ton more stories like this coming. I’m looking forward to the day where this sort of thing isn’t raising eyebrows anymore. I feel like it shouldn’t be.
Congrats Peter!